Fashion is, therefore, defined as the habit, use, or style that influences the way of dressing, wearing, combing, and others, resulting from a certain idea, taste, pleasure, and interference from the environment.
Luxury, on the other hand, refers to something that is considered extremely pleasant, comfortable, or of high quality and that is usually associated with a sense of indulgence and superiority. Luxury is subjective and can vary from person to person, depending on your preferences, cultural and social values, and financial resources. In general, luxury is related to products, services, experiences, or objects that are considered extravagant, exceptional, or of high value.
Author(s) Details:
Maria Nascimento Cunha,
Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências (ISEC Lisboa), Portugal and Scientific Council of CIAC – Centro de Investigação de Artes e Comunicação, Portugal.
Jorge Figueiredo,
Universidade Lusíada de Famalicão, Portugal.
Isabel Oliveira,
Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal.
Maçães, Manuel,
Universidade Lusíada do Porto, Portugal.
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