The evidence of global warming is clear and it is consistently increasing. Researchers have predicted that if global warming increases by 3 degrees Celsius, drought will occur in 90% of the Himalayan mountain region and it will continue throughout the year. This study was published in the “Climatic Change” journal. The Paris Climate Agreement warns against global warming and states that the global average temperature increase must be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius. However, with the current rate of pollution and warming, the temperature can rise up to 3°C and it is very important to understand the consequences of this high temperature. The research was conducted by experts from the University of East Anglia in Britain, covering six countries including India, Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Ghana.
Read more News: Global warming: The temperature of our planet has increased by 1.5°C
The study shows how climate change will affect the lives and nature of ordinary people. According to the report, if the temperature increases in this way, the risk of droughts and floods will increase, crop production will decrease, and biodiversity will decline. If global warming increases by 3-4 degrees Celsius, pollination will be halved in India. However, if the temperature rise is contained to 1.5 degrees, it will be possible to save a lot of farmland from drought and reduce economic losses in riparian areas. All countries need to take action to prevent floods and reduce the impact of global warming. The study reveals that warming has increased at an abnormally high rate in many areas of the six countries, and one of the reasons is population growth.